Thursday 12 May 2016


I am so happy to be back in the blogosphere again! (I've been away so long, it took me 3 tries to spell blogosphere and it still doesn't look right). A lot has happened since I last properly posted, not least of which was moving 10,000 miles across the world to settle back in London and becoming an Auntie! The first few months back home have been unsettling, surprising and amazing in equal parts and not necessarily in that order. I've learnt so much about myself over the last few years living away from home but I keep circling back to the same thing. There is one passion that I have terribly neglected - The Internet.

Obviously I spend a vast amount of time (don't we all) mindlessly swiping Instagram and Twitter, refreshing Facebook and pinning recipes I'll probably never cook on Pinterest, but what I've really missed is writing, sharing and interacting with people online.

Of course I've come up with countless reasons why not to start blogging again (will anyone read it? What if someone I don't want to read it, reads it?) but the main hurdle has been the thought of not having enough time to keep it up. Then I listened to a couple of inspiring podcasts and came to the conclusion that *newsflash* it doesn't really matter.

It doesn't really matter whether I post once a week or once a month, what matters is I'm giving it a go and indulging one of the things I enjoy doing most. So here I am, until next time, whenever that may be.


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